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Your SpeedVitals Mobile scores just got better!

One min read
Kashish Kumawat
CEO @ SpeedVitals

Happy New Year to SpeedVitals users! 馃帀

We have two new updates to share with you. We have updated Lighthouse version to 12.3.0 and adjusted the CPU Throttling on Mobile devices. The Network Throttling remains the same as before.

The reduced throttling across all our mobile devices will result in better performance scores. Some websites can expect a big improvement to the TBT (Total Blocking Time) metric. Most of the other metric will not have a significant improvement.

Cloudflare Argo Review - Is it worth it?

5 min read
Kashish Kumawat
CEO @ SpeedVitals

Cloudflare Argo

Cloudflare introduced Argo in 2017 as an add-on premium service for Cloudflare users. Argo uses smart routing in real time to avoid network congestion. It dynamically finds the most optimal routes through the Cloudflare network and reduces the response times of your website.

Back Forward Cache Explained

6 min read
Kashish Kumawat
CEO @ SpeedVitals

Back Forward Cache

Back Forward Cache is a technique browsers use to instantly load a Web Page when the Back or Forward buttons on the browsers are pressed.

Back/Forward Cache is currently supported by all major browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. According to Google Chrome's data, about 10% of all navigations on Desktop are either Back or Forward. This number goes all the way to 20% in the case of Mobile browsing.

By ensuring that your website is eligible for Back/Forward Cache, you can make a dramatic difference to the Page Speed and User Experience of your website.