Get Higher Search Rankings with SpeedVitals

Make your website faster with SpeedVitals to Pass Core Web Vitals & get better search rankings.

Trusted by 5K+ SEO Professionals

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Fastly Logo
Neil Patel Digital Logo
Cloudflare Logo
Digitalmktg Logo Logo
Wix Logo
Dreamhost Logo Logo
Siteground Logo
Rakuten Logo
Hubstaff Logo
Web Upon Logo

Track Core Web Vitals

Check Metrics

Check Core Web Vitals scores of your website and understand what you need to boost your Technical SEO

View Historic Data

View Historic Performance Data over a period of 12 months and corelate it with your Website SEO Rankings
Real-world Performance
Web Performance Monitoring

Get Performance Alerts

Get notified when performance is down

Get Alerts via Email and Slack when your performance score drops below the threshold set by you and fix them before they affect Search Rankings

Weekly Performance Summary

Get a summarized digest of the performance of all your websites over the last one week

Compare with Competitors

Check Competitors Core Web Vitals Data

SpeedVitals Core Web Vitals Checker allows you to check the Real-world Performance of all your competitors.

Batch Test the performance of all competitors at once

Perform a Bulk Performance Test on all your competitors with just a single click of button
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How SpeedVitals helps SEOs

Improve Search Rankings
Get Actionable Insights
Pass Core Web Vitals
Improve user Experience
Compare Competitors
Batch Testing
Get Performance Alerts
I use SpeedVitals daily to understand what is holding a WordPress site back and how to meet Core Web Vitals metric thresholds. Their TTFB test tool is one of my favorites!
Brian Jackson
Useful and well designed new free Core Web Vitals validation tool, including both lab and field data.
Aleyda Solis
Neat little tool allowing you to check your website speed from all around the world.
Pierre de Wulf

Importance of Page Speed for SEO

15% Higher
SEO Traffic
Rebuilding Pinterest pages for performance resulted in a 40% decrease in wait time, a 15% increase in SEO traffic and a 15% increase in conversion rate to signup.
Ingram Micro focused on reducing Total Blocking Time and saw a 35% increase in organic traffic by improving their homepage TBT by 40%.
35% Higher
Organic Traffic

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