Website Speed Test &
Monitor Web Vitals

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Trusted By Users from 1000+ Companies

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The Next Generation of Website
Speed Testing

Chrome Lighthouse
Website Speed Test
Perform Page Speed Test to measure Web Vitals from up to 30+ Devices & Locations.
Time to First Byte
Measure Time to First Byte (TTFB) from 40 Locations with a single click.
Bulk Web Vitals Test
Batch Analysis
Perform up to 50 Speed Tests with a single click of button.

Features to make your Website
Lightning Fast

Performance Monitoring

Performance Alerts

Get Alerts via Email and Slack when your performance score drops below a threshold and fix them before they affect User Experience & Search Rankings

Weekly Digest

Get a summarized digest of the performance of all your websites over the last one week
Web Performance Monitoring
Global Test Locations

Global Test Locations

Multi-Location Test

Perform Batch Test on a URL from up to 35 Locations with a single click

TTFB Testing

SpeedVitals global TTFB Test checks global performance of your website. Cache Status and CDN Detection features makes it the best tool for TTFB Testing

In-Depth Reports

Performance Charts

Get all the important performance charts like Waterfall, Resource Summary, Unused Resources, and Domain Map

No-code Experiments

Implement various optimizations without touching the code.
Waterfall Chart
Real World Performance

Real-world Performance

Historic Performance Data

View Historic Real-world Performance Data over a period of 12 months

Compare with competitors

SpeedVitals Core Web Vitals Checker allows you to check the Real-world Performance of all your competitors

Why people love SpeedVitals

I use SpeedVitals daily to understand what is holding a WordPress site back and how to meet Core Web Vitals metric thresholds. Their TTFB test tool is one of my favorites!
Brian Jackson
Useful and well designed new free Core Web Vitals validation tool, including both lab and field data.
Aleyda Solis
Neat little tool allowing you to check your website speed from all around the world.
Pierre de Wulf

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.What is SpeedVitals?
Q.What is the difference between PageSpeed Insights & SpeedVitals?
Q.What are Web Vitals?
Q.Can SpeedVitals make my website faster?
Q.How to run the Website Speed Test?

Ready to make your website blazing fast?